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Molecular theory of liquid crystals

  • Conference paper
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Liquid Crystal Polymers I

Part of the book series: Advances in Polymer Science ((POLYMER,volume 59))


The lattice theory of liquids consisting of rodlike molecules is presented and discussed with emphasis on polymers exhibiting nematic or cholesteric liquid crystallinity. Steric repulsions between the solute particles are principally responsible for order in lyotropic liquid-crystalline systems. In the case of rigid rods, the axial ratio of the particles governs the concentration at which separation of a nematic or cholesteric phase sets in. For semi-rigid chains such as those of cellulose and its derivatives, the axial ratio of the Kuhn segment is the relevant parameter. These and other predictions of the lattice theory are confirmed by numerous experiments. Liquid crystallinity may be promoted by orientation-dependent intermolecular attractions between extended chain molecules. Such forces originate in the anisotropy of the polarizabilities of groups, e.g., phenylene, in the main chain. They may be especially important in thermotropic melts and concentrated solutions.

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Flory, P.J. (1984). Molecular theory of liquid crystals. In: Platé, N.A. (eds) Liquid Crystal Polymers I. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 59. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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