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Commercial Polymer Blends

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Polymer Blends Handbook


In this chapter, an overview of the commercially important blends is presented with a particular emphasis on the rationale for their commercial development, the compatibilization principles, their key mechanical properties and their current applications and markets. To facilitate the discussion, the commercial polymer blends have been classified into twelve major groups depending on the type of the resin family they are based on, viz. (i) polyolefin, (ii) styrenic, (iii) vinyl, (iv) acrylic, (v) elastomeric, (vi) polyamide, (vii) polycarbonate, (viii) poly(oxymethylene), (ix) polyphenyleneether, (x) thermoplastic polyester, (xi) specialty polymers, and (xii) thermoset blends.

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Akkapeddi, M.K. (2003). Commercial Polymer Blends. In: Utracki, L.A. (eds) Polymer Blends Handbook. Springer, Dordrecht.

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