
Microbiome dynamics in diseases

The ‘human microbiome’ comprises the complex and diverse, microbial ecosystems that colonize different organs and tissues of the human bodies. The human microbiota consists of bacteria, archaea, viruses as well as eukaryotes (e.g. fungi and protozoa), which significantly impact the physiology, homeostasis and overall health of the human body. Since the microbiome is a complex and variable microbial community that responds to multiple factors, our current understanding of the microbiota dynamics and impact on disease development remains incomplete. BMC Microbiology announces the launch of the collection “Microbiome dynamics in human diseases“. We invite submissions of manuscripts on research articles and methods addressing the complex role of the human microbiome, especially in the context of human diseases and biological dysfunctions. By acknowledging that ‘human microbiome research’ is rapidly evolving and fundamentally changing the way we study and treat human diseases, the overall goal of the collection is to enhance our knowledge on microbiome diversity and functions, microbiome-host interactions, and the role of microbiomes in health and disease.

Articles (36 in this collection)