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Combinatorial Games

Participating journal: International Journal of Game Theory

The International Journal of Game Theory (IJGT) invites submissions of significant papers in Combinatorial Game Theory.

Combinatorial games are traditionally two-player perfect-information games with compact rules such as Nim or Chess, with more general games now being studied. Their theory was pioneered by Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy in "Winning Ways", 1982, republished in 2009 by A. K. Peters.

Due date for submissions: This Collection is meant to be ongoing, i.e. papers can be submitted as long as the Collection is shown as open for submissions on its website.

Papers should be submitted via the electronic submission platform Editorial Manager. Please find Submission Guidelines and the “Submit manuscript” button on the journal website here.

All articles will be reviewed to the high standards of IJGT (one-sided blind peer review). Accepted papers are published online first and already findable as part of this Collection on the website of the journal. At the appropriate time, they will be published online and in print as special issues of the journal.

A first special issue on Combinatorial Games appeared as issue 2 in volume 47 of IJGT in 2018.

Participating journal

Submit your manuscript to this collection through the participating journal.


  • Urban Larsson

    Urban Larsson

    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
  • Carlos P. Santos

    Carlos P. Santos

    Center for Mathematics and Applications, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Bernhard von Stengel

    Bernhard von Stengel

    London School of Economics, UK


Showing 1-32 of 32 articles
  1. Ice sliding games

    • Paul Dorbec
    • Éric Duchêne
    • Éric Sopena
    Original Paper 22 December 2017 Pages: 487 - 508
  2. Sterling stirling play

    • Michael Fisher
    • Richard J. Nowakowski
    • Carlos Santos
    Original Paper 29 October 2017 Pages: 557 - 576
  3. Global Fibonacci nim

    • Urban Larsson
    • Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo
    Original Paper 13 March 2017 Pages: 595 - 611
  4. Building Nim

    • Eric Duchêne
    • Matthieu Dufour
    • Urban Larsson
    Original Paper 20 August 2015 Pages: 859 - 873
