
Physics: ICSM2021: Superconductivity, Magnetism and Innovative Technologies

This Topical Collection issue is for the 7th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism-ICSM2021, to be held in Bodrum-Turkey between 22 and 28 October, 2021. The papers collected will be presented at the conference, and cover topics in fundamental science, mechanisms, materials and applications in the 7 main topics of the conference, that include Superconductivity, Magnetism, their interplay and applications. It will also include papers on pure science, and theoretical models. The papers will be highly interdisciplinary, as the topics would range from Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Electric and Electronics Engineering, and Cryogenic Materials and Engineering.


  • Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Aksan

    Mehmet Ali Aksan graduated in 1995 from the Physics Department of Inonu University. In 2003, he received a PhD degree from the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences of Inonu University. Full-time professor at Physics Department of Inonu University, TURKEY. Current fields of interest: Superconductors, superconducting Josephson Junction, glass-ceramic materials, thermoelectricity and thermal conductivity, magnetic shape memory alloys. He has published more than 90 referred papers in the international journals. Prof. AKSAN is in the organization committee of the International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM) since 2008.

  • Prof. Dr. Iman Askerzade

    Iman Askerzade received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Physics from Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, in 1985 and the Ph.D. and Dr. Sc. degrees in condensed matter physics from the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, in 1995 and 2004, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, and a Principal Scientific Researcher with the Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

  • Prof. Dr. Özgür Öztürk

    Özgür Öztürk graduated in 1998 from the Physics Department of Ankara University. In 2007, he received a PhD degree from the Institute of Science of Abant Izzet Baysal University Full-time professor at Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Kastamonu University, TURKEY. Current fields of interest: Superconductors, semiconductors, diluted magnetic semiconductors, semiconductor based electronic devices, glass-ceramic materials, thin film production and calibration. He has published more than 80 referred papers in the international journals. He gave a number of talks at international conferences.

  • Prof. Dr. Ali Bozbey

    Ali Bozbey received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2001, 2003, and 2006, respectively. In 2002, he was a Guest Researcher with the Jülich Research Center, Jülich, Germany, and in 2007, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. Since 2008, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETU), Ankara, where he teaches in the areas of semiconductor and superconductor electronics.

  • Prof. Dr. Hakan Köçkar

    Hakan Köçkar received his MSc in Physics in 1993 from Uludağ University, Turkey. After that, he received PhD in Physics in 1998 from University of Wales Cardiff, UK. The PhD subject was about production and characterization on magnetic materials. He is now working for Balıkesir University, Physics department, Turkey and doing research on electrodeposited magnetic films, sputtered thin films and nanoparticles.

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap Safran

    Serap Safran graduated in 2002 from the Physical Engineering Department of Hacettepe University. In 2010, she received a PhD degree from the Institute of Science of Ankara University. Since 2010, she has been with the Department of Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey where she teaches in the areas of condensed matter physics. Her research interests include superconductors, MgB2 superconductors, cryogenics systems, superconductor current limiters and magnetic materials. She gave a number of talks at international conferences.

  • Prof. Dr. Ali Gençer

    Ali Gencer graduated in 1986 from the Physics Department of Karadeniz Technical University. In 1994, he received a PhD degree from the Physics Department at Birmingham University in United Kingdom. Full-time professor at Physics Department of Ankara University, TURKEY. Current fields of interest include superconductors, MgB2 Josephson Junction, glass-ceramic materials, cryogenics systems, superconductor current limiters, magnetic materials. Recent interests include large-scale applications of superconductors with innovative approaches in magnet science and technology.

Articles (9 in this collection)