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Research to support evidence-informed decisions on optimizing gender equity in health workforce policy and planning

Participating journal: Human Resources for Health
This thematic series in Human Resources for Health explores how enhanced research, monitoring, and evaluation of health workforce policy and planning options can help to optimize gender equity within and across health occupations. The series aims to support countries at all levels of development striving to achieve and sustain the global development goals of health workforce strengthening and gender equality. The collection includes reviews and original research articles advancing the use of qualitative and quantitative data and methodologies through a gender equity lens across different country contexts. Not all sex-disaggregated analyses will yield findings of inequalities, but it remains important that gender is considered as a core component to human resources for health policy evaluation. The WHO Gender Equity Hub advocates for the improvement of data and evidence in the field, and therefore it supports this thematic series as part of the ongoing work on gender equity in the health workforce. Any opinion, finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in the Editorial or any article published in this series are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the WHO. The series is now closed to new submissions. Series Editor, Neeru Gupta.

Participating journal

Published in collaboration with the World Health Organization, Human Resources for Health disseminates high quality policy-oriented research on the information, planning, production,...


  • Neeru Gupta

    Neeru Gupta holds the position of Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick. Her research is in the fields of population health and health services research, and is grounded in accelerating gender and social equity toward achieving the Quadruple Aim for healthcare improvement: healthy populations, enhanced patient experience, sustainable healthcare investments and improved work life of providers. She is an editorial board member for Human Resources for Health.


Showing 1-12 of 12 articles
