
Disasters, crisis, and emergency management within health services

BMC Health Services Research is calling for submissions to a Collection on disasters, crisis, and emergency management within health services. The mass casualties, injuries, and population health deterioration associated to disasters, crisis, and emergencies eventually overload the affected health systems and prevent them from performing their intended roles in health care. A broad range of hazards (natural or technological disasters, conflict, disease outbreaks, food contamination) bring health systems to the forefront and expose their central role in managing health risks and responding effectively to such events in order to minimize their impact. Strengthening health systems, especially the most vulnerable ones, has become a vital step in facing the global and growing dimensions of emergencies and continuing progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. BMC Health Services Research launched this Collection to review the current state of research on health services management of disasters, crisis, and emergency

Articles (8 in this collection)