
Engineering: Young Investigators in Computational Science and Engineering

The contributions to this Topical Collection focus on the development of new cutting-edge mathematical and computational methods as well as their application to modeling and simulation in different areas of engineering and the applied sciences. Even though the authors will be selected among young researchers, we strive to published articles that are of interest to both young and senior scientists in the field of computational science and engineering. Furthermore, contributions that go beyond the traditional approaches within the field of modelling and simulation are particularly welcome for this collection. Examples of specific areas of interest are given in the following: Computational Material Science, Computational Solids and Structural Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Coupled Multiphysics Problems, Computational Applied Mathematics, Industrial Applications and Challenges, Computational Engineering Science, Computational Geomechanics, Computational Advances in Composites, Computational Biomechanics, Computational Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Multiscale Modelling, Advances in Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Software Development for Computational Engineering


  • Alexander Popp

    Alexander Popp is a Full Professor at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany. His research interests cover a broad range of topics in computational mechanics with a focus on finite element formulations for solid and contact mechanics. He has received several prestigious awards including the ECCOMAS O.C. Zienkiewicz Award for Young Scientists in Computational Engineering Sciences 2018. He has served as Secretary General of the German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM) and Chairman of the Young Investigators Committee of ECCOMAS.

  • Stefanie Elgeti

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Elgeti, ILSB - Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. CATS - Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems RWTH Aachen, Germany.

  • Konrad Perzyński

    Dr. Konrad Perzyński, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland. In 2008, Dr. Perzyński defended his master thesis at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science. The research was on: the development process of spinning copper tubes for the electrical industry. In 2015, he got his Ph.D. Degree at the Department of Applied Computer Science and Modelling for the thesis: development of hybrid RCAFE model for fracture modelling in multiphase materials. In 2016, his work was awarded for the best presentation at the sixth ECCOMAS Olympiad. He is a co-author of 112 articles in reviewed journals and international conference proceedings.

  • Enrique Nodal Soriano

    Enrique Nodal Soriano is an Associated professor at Uninersitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain He obtained his PhD in 2014 at the same University and then moved to the École Centrale Nantes for a 2-year Post-Doc. His research fields are focused on the development of error estimators, topology optimization tools, fictitious domain methods for image-based simulations, reduced order modelling, and machine learning tools. All of these with as a background in developing numerical simulation tools in mechanical engineering and biomechanics.

  • Ana Ramos

    Ana Ramos is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. She graduated in 2013 and in 2021 she obtained her PhD at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho with the work entitled “Assessment of the Long-term Dynamic Behaviour of innovative railway track solutions”. With her developed work, she received two awards including the José Folque Award – Geotechnical Young Award in English and Young Engineer Innovation Award 2021. The research fields are focused on railways engineering, advanced numerical modelling and predictive methodologies using artificial intelligence algorithms.

Articles (6 in this collection)