
Motion Sickness: Its Causes, Neural Mechanisms, and Treatments

Motion sickness is a condition elicited by sensory cues related to movement, particularly when the sensory cues are contradictory or deviate from those that are expected. The sensory signals that evoke motion sickness can be complex and variable from individual to individual, but the most important signals come from the vestibular system, as evidenced by the fact that individuals with bilateral vestibular dysfunction are usually not susceptible to motion sickness. A related condition is visually-induced motion sickness, which is elicited when there is perceived movement from visual cues while the individual is stationary. The signs and symptoms that accompany motion sickness also differ between individuals, and can include nausea and gastrointestinal disturbances, decreases in arousal and somnolence, dizziness and vertigo, headache and ocular strain.

The goal of this collection of papers is to better elucidate the causes, neural mechanisms, and treatments for motion sickness, including visually-induced motion sickness. All accepted papers must have some focus on the nervous system, and how sensory inputs or therapies affect neural function to produce or ameliorate motion sickness. Review articles, mini reviews, and original research articles can be submitted to the collection.

If you are interested in contributing an article to this collection, please contact Bill Yates ( Articles must be submitted by April 30, 2023 to be considered for the collection. Please note that articles submitted to this collection will publish on a continuous publication schedule once they are accepted.


  • Bill Yates

    Bill Yates, PhD is Vice Chancellor and Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh. His career has been focused on vestibulo-autonomic responses, including motion sickness. Dr. Yates is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Brain Research.

Articles (13 in this collection)