
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Gröchenig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday

Karlheinz Gröchenig is well-known as an outstanding mathematician. His research interests are unusually broad and ranges from harmonic analysis with all its facets to approximation theory and operator theory. In particular, he has made pioneering contributions in the following fields:

- Time-frequency analysis,

- Coorbit theory,

- Wavelet analysis,

- Sampling,

- Pseudodifferential operators,

- Banach algebras and their symmetry,

- Non-commutative harmonic analysis.

All these topics are still in the center of current research interest and can be identified as mainstream in its best sense. The objective of this special issue is to collect recent contributions to the above-mentioned fields, to give a solid overview on the current state of the art.

Submission (or inquires) should be sent to with the following wording in the subject line: "submission, Special Issue K. Groechenig".

We are looking forward to receiving your contribution!


  • Stephan Dahlke

    Stephan Dahlke is a professor in applied mathematics at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. His main fields of research are numerical analysis of PDEs, coorbit theory, wavelet analysis, regularity theory of PDEs, and shearlet theory. Up to now, he has published more than100 papers. He is an associate editor of Journal of Complexity, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, and the International Journal of Geomathematics. He is also an editor of the books "Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems" and "Harmonic and Applied Analysis: From Groups to Signals".

  • Yurii Lyubarskii

    Yurii Lyubarskii is Professor emeritus at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He is a member of The Analysis Group. Professor Lyubarskii has a PhD in mathematics from Institute for Low Temperatures, Kharkov, Ukraine, and a Doctor Sci. degree in Mathematics from Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia. He is a member of The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters.

  • Franz Luef

    Franz Luef is a professor in mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and is also on the editorial boards of Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, and Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. His research interests are in quantum harmonic analysis, machine learning, noncommutative geometry, time-frequency analysis and pseudodifferential operators, uncertainty principles.

  • Joaquim Ortega

    Joaquim Ortega is a professor at the University of Barcelona, Spain. His main research interest is complex analysis in one and several variables, particularly the study of the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation to tackle problems as the size of the Bergman kernel or the description of zero sets, sampling an interpolating sequences. Other topics of his interest are Dirichlet series, from the point of view of function theory in the infinite-dimensional polydisk and lately random point processes and optimal configuration sets.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.