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Book Symposium: Appearance and Explanation (Luca Moretti & Kevin McCain)

Participating journal: Asian Journal of Philosophy

o This is a symposium on Kevin McCain and Luca Moretti’s book Appearance & Explanation (Oxford University Press, 2021). Phenomenal conservatism (PC), arguably the currently dominant version of internalist evidentialism, can be seen as the conjunction of two theses. According to the first, appearances are a source of justification. That’s the phenomenal part of PC. According to the second, unless there is reason to doubt them, appearances should be taken at face value: as conferring justification on the beliefs that are based on them. That’s the conservative part of PC. Thus, if PC is true, a belief based on an undefeated appearance is justified. McCain and Moretti defend a fusion of PC and a view they call “explanationism.” They endorse the phenomenal part of PC but argue that the conservative part is too weak. Their aim is to strengthen PC by turning it into what they call “phenomenal explanationism.” Their core idea is that an appearance that p gives a subject S justification for believing that p if and only if the fact that p is the best explanation available to S of why S is having an appearance that p. This book symposium will feature a précis by the authors, critical pieces by Richard Fumerton, Tommaso Piazza, Matthias Steup, Xiaoxing Zhang, and replies to each of the critics by the author.

Participating journal

The Asian Journal of Philosophy publishes high-quality articles in any area of analytic philosophy, but with an emphasis on epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, meta-ethics, value...


  • Matthias Steup

    Matthias Steup

    Matthias Steup received his PhD from Brown University in 1985. He is Professor of Philosophy at Brown University, and the author of An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology (1996, Prentice Hall) and numerous articles. He is the editor of Knowledge, Truth and Duty (2001, OUP) and co-editor of three editions of Contemporary Debates in Epistemology (2005, 2014, 2024, Blackwell), A Companion to Epistemology (2010, Blackwell), Epistemic Dilemmas (2021) and Seemings (2024), both published by Routledge.


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