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Multimorbidity in Primary Care

Participating journal: BMC Primary Care
Multimorbidity refers to the co-existence of two or more chronic conditions, which can either be: • A physical non-communicable disease of long duration • A mental health condition of long duration • An infectious disease of long duration The provision of primary care services for patients with multimorbidity presents many challenges, with fragmented care, polypharmacy, and iatrogenic harm being some of them. Primary care for multimorbid patients is limited and complex, and often requires an interprofessional team approach. Despite the well documented challenges associated with multimorbidity in primary care, recent systematic reviews show the lack of efficient interventions. This collection welcomes submissions that contribute to our understanding of multimorbidity, including: • Multimorbidity through the lenses of the patient, family, carers, and primary care worker • Complexity in the context of multimorbidity • Clustering of multimorbidity patterns across the life cycle • Physical-mental health multimorbidity • Quality of life measures for patients with multimorbidity • Social determinants of health and vulnerable populations with multimorbidity • Evidence-based treatment strategies and interventions for patients with multimorbidity • International perspectives on multimorbidity, including challenges, best practice, and opportunities for change • Measuring the quality of care for patients with multimorbidity (e.g. quality indicators)

Participating journal

Submit cutting-edge research to BMC Primary Care, an open access journal with open collections, 3.


Showing 1-11 of 11 articles
