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Enhancing the Adaptability of Family Businesses to the Knowledge-based Economy

Participating journal: Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Family firms should know how to generate and transfer knowledge, allowing them to be innovative and operationally efficient in order to seize opportunities and anticipate or mitigate threats that the current environment presents. In this sense, knowledge management should ensure the sustainability and rapid adaptation to dynamic environments by family businesses. This collection aims to extend and deepen the usefulness of knowledge management, not only as a differentiation strategy but also as a key tool for the long-term viability of family firms.

Participating journal

Journal of the Knowledge Economy is a multidisciplinary publication focused on the dynamics of knowledge creation, diffusion, and application across the spectrum of organizations,...


  • Laura Zapata

    EGADE Business School, Monterrey, México
  • Ramón Sanguino

    University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Ascensión Barroso

    University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Laura Nicola-Gavrilă

    Spiru Haret University, Romania


Showing 1-8 of 8 articles
