
Materials Applied to Environmental Problems

Environmental pollution and the need to remediate it have led to the adoption of sustainable approaches such as green chemistry principles for the synthesis, characterization and application of materials. This is why Environmental Chemistry arises as a field of study focused on chemical processes, such as the reactions, evolution, and interactions that occur in the environment—soil, water, and air—as well as the impact of human activities on our environment and all the related problems. Carbonaceous materials, such as activated carbon, carbon nanotubes, and biochar, have proven to be highly effective in environmental remediation due to their unique properties. These new technologies involve the development of new materials (powders, ceramic coatings, gels, etc.) capable of combating pollution, either by applying these materials to the contaminated area, or by passing the polluting effluent through the anti-pollution material.

This topical collection invites the submission of articles in the field of green and environmental chemistry, particularly, synthesis, characterization and application of materials focused on pollution mitigation or as environmental solution in various human activities.

Keywords: Environmentally compatible materials (environmentally sound materials), Pollution solution (pollutions control), Green chemistry, Carbon chemistry, Biochar, Contaminant degradation.


  • Julio Cruz Argüello

    Julio Cruz Argüello, PhD, National Technological Institute of Mexico/Technological Institute of Chetuma, México. Dr. Cruz specializes in electrochemistry, nanotechnology, environmental chemistry, and construction materials. He is the author of over 31 articles and 1 book chapter for international publishers. He has presented and participated in many conferences, etc. He has carried out professional stays during his training at the “Nicola Giordano” Institute of Advanced Energy Technology in Italy and worked on joint projects. He is a reviewer for different international journals. He has been a research senior professor for 12 years.

Articles (1 in this collection)