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EU digital policies and EU in the world

Participating journal: Digital Society

The European Union is often seen as a regulatory power but as a weak global player in technology or military matters. EU’s digital policies and laws are often based upon market and economic motivations in particular to enable the free flow of goods, services, capital and people in the EU’s internal market. Some policies are driven by fundamental right protection like data protection, as enshrined in the EU Treaties. Even if initiated from such EU-internal aspirations, they do have an external impact, that is on other countries in the global political and economic systems (the ‘Brussels effect’ ). To read more, click here

Participating journal


Digital Society

Digital Society publishes articles on topics related to governance, transformations, environments, and developments of digital technology and their implications for society.


  • Paul Timmers

    Paul Timmers

    Prof Dr Paul Timmers is research associate at University of Oxford (Oxford Internet Institute), professor at European University Cyprus, visiting professor at KU Leuven and Rijeka University. He has been European Commission Director for policy on cybersecurity, e-ID, digital privacy, digital health, smart cities, e-government. He was EC cabinet member and digital health advisor, manager in industry, holds a physics PhD from Radboud University, MBA from Warwick University, EU fellowship at UNC Chapel Hill, and Harvard cybersecurity qualification.


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