
Machines that save lives

The principle of primum non nocere (first, not harm) should always be applied to critically ill patients, specifically when using extracorporeal organ support (ECOS) machines and monitoring devices. A multidisciplinary approach may be needed to minimize each ECOS device's additive negative interactions and unwanted adverse effects. This collection provides a state-of-the-art update by the most renowned world experts.


  • Julie Helms

    Prof. Julie Helms Professor in Critical Care at Strasbourg University Hospital, France. Her research focuses on the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in vascular dysfunction of septic shock, with an emphasis on hemostasis disorders and immunothrombosis deregulation. She is the work-package leader of the scientific board of the international CRICS-TRIGGERSEP network and participates in the ANRS/Emergent Infectious Disease scientific committee. She is actively involved in several societies (SRLF/FICS, ESICM, ISTH), is representative from the SRLF/FICS at the Global Sepsis Alliance, and Associate Editor of ICM and Annals of Intensive Care.

  • Alain Combes

    Prof. Alain Combes, MD, PhD Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at Sorbonne Université, and Head of the ICU department at La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, France. Research interests: care of the critically ill cardiac patient, mechanical circulatory assistance and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, rescue therapies for severe respiratory failure, including ECMO and ECCO2R, infections in critically ill patients. He is a member of SRLF, ESICM, ATS, ESC, ESC-ACVC (Board member), ELSO (Past President of EURO-ELSO), ECMONet. He is Associate Editor of ICM.

Articles (29 in this collection)

  1. Monitoring of renal perfusion


    • Michael Darmon
    • David Schnell
    • Antoine Schneider
    • Content type: Special Issue Insight
    • Published: 02 September 2022
    • Pages: 1505 - 1507
  2. Hemoperfusion in the intensive care unit

    Authors (first, second and last of 5)

    • Zaccaria Ricci
    • Stefano Romagnoli
    • Claudio Ronco
    • Content type: Narrative Review
    • Open Access
    • Published: 19 August 2022
    • Pages: 1397 - 1408
  3. Central venous pressure (CVP)


    • Olfa Hamzaoui
    • Jean-Louis Teboul
    • Content type: SPECIAL ISSUE INSIGHT
    • Published: 11 August 2022
    • Pages: 1498 - 1500
  4. EEG monitoring after cardiac arrest


    • Claudio Sandroni
    • Tobias Cronberg
    • Jeannette Hofmeijer
    • Content type: Special issue insight
    • Open Access
    • Published: 26 April 2022
    • Pages: 1439 - 1442