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Ultra-extended field-of-view PET/CT

Participating journal: Cancer Imaging
"Every now and then a new technology or idea comes along that turns imaging on its head. The concept of hybrid anatomical and molecular imaging with SPECT/CT, PET/CT or PET/MRI was one such game-changing advance. As the Co-Editors-in-Chief of Cancer Imaging, Annick and I feel that we are on the cusp of another leap forward with the development of PET/CT scanners that provide the ability to simultaneously image a large volume of the human body simultaneously, with an axial field of view ranging from just over 1m to just under 2m. This is a planned series of review articles from developers of this technology, and from early adopters who are starting to leverage features such as dynamic whole-body imaging, ultra-low dose or very rapid scanning protocols. Logistic issues around redesign of facilities to accommodate high throughput, lower administered activities and other workflow changes will be addressed. There are many perspectives from which these scanners should be considered. We are keen to pursue what they might offer to patients, clinicians, researchers and the pharmaceutical industry. As with all special series, we will be reaching out directly to acknowledged experts to write invited reviews. Prof. Rodney Hicks Co-Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Imaging Articles published in the collection have already gone through the systematic peer review process of the journal."

Participating journal


Cancer Imaging

As the official journal of the International Cancer Imaging Society, and written by renowned international experts in the field, Cancer Imaging encompasses the interdisciplinary and...


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