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Special Topic Collection on Hydrogen Production, Utilization and Storages

With the advent of hydrogen as a new energy source, hydrogen production, utilization, and storage have become one of key research topics in chemical engineering field. This special issue introduces recent advances in technologies for hydrogen production, utilization and storages. Review and research articles of different topics are included, such as water electrolysis, hydrogen storage, reforming for hydrogen production, fuel cells, and computational modeling.

Participating journal

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering is a global platform that publishes significant chemical engineering research with potential industrial significance.


  • Jinwoo Lee

    KAIST, Korea
  • Chang Won Yoon

    POSTECH, Korea
  • Jeong Woo Han

    POSTECH, Korea
  • Namgee Jung

    Chungnam Nat’l Univ., Korea


Showing 1-20 of 20 articles
