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Topical Collection on Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2)

Participating journal: Climate Dynamics
The Climate Forecast System (CFS) is a coupled global climate model used for operational intraseasonal-to-interannual (ISI) prediction at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). NCEP developed CFSv2 over the course of several years and implemented it into operations in March 2011. External community research supported by the Climate Program Office (CPO) enhanced core internal development and evaluation. To bring the broader climate research and applications community together with NCEP scientists to evaluate the utility of CFSv2 for climate modeling research and as a climate forecast tool, the NCEP Climate Prediction Center (CPC), NOAA Climate Test Bed (CTB), Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA), and NOAA CPO organized a CFSv2 Evaluation Workshop in 2012. This topical collection on Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) includes a selection of peer-reviewed papers consisting of material presented at the workshop.

Participating journal

Climate Dynamics is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research on all aspects of the dynamics of the global climate system.


  • Jin Huang

    Jin Huang NCEP Climate Test Bed, College Park, USA
  • Annarita Mariotti

    Annarita Mariotti NOAA Climate Program Office, Silver Spring, USA
  • Jim Kinter

    Jim Kinter Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, George Mason University, USA
  • Arun Kumar

    Arun Kumar NCEP Climate Prediction Center, College Park, USA


Showing 1-24 of 24 articles
