
Topical Collection on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications

This issue of Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences will contain a selection of papers presented at the 11th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry & Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications – SPEA11, held in Turin, Italy, on June 6-10, 2022. The European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA), started in 2000. The first event was held in Saint-Avoid (France) with no more than 40 participants, the second also in Saint-Avoid and later in Barcelona and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Palermo (Italy), Prague (Czech Republic), Porto (Portugal), Thessaloniki (Greece), Strasburg (France) and Almeria (Spain), with a periodicity of two years. 2020 edition has been delayed by COVID-19 until 2022. With each new conference the number of attendees and the range of countries represented has been growing reaching more than 350 participants in Almeria and a similar number in Torino, at SPEA11. The conference program ( is subdivided into focused sessions, addressing the main areas of the current research in the field of Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis. SPEA11 has coverer research fields as varied as water and air treatment/disinfection, novel materials and processes for solar photocatalysis, environmental photochemistry, hydrogen production and carbon dioxide utilization, functionalized surfaces, modeling and mechanistic studies, commercial applications and standardization, whether the research approach is fundamental or applied.


  • Prof. Claudio Minero

    Claudio Minero is Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Chemistry Department of the University of Turin, Italy. He is interested in methodologies of analytical and environmental chemistry and advanced oxidation techniques for the treatment of wastewater. He was the author of the first research papers, and then of numerous articles on different photocatalytic materials, on degradation mechanisms and kinetic theories for photocatalysis and standardization procedures at national and EU level,in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities and research institutes. He is the author of over 300 publications in international journals.

  • Prof. Paola Calza

    Paola Calza is full Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy. Her research activities include heterogeneous photocatalysis, recovery of contaminated soils and the study of the abiotic transformation of contaminants of emerging concern. She was visiting professor at the McGill University, at La Plata University (Argentina) and at Stellenbosh University (South Africa). She is co-author of around 150 publications in peer-review journals.

  • Prof. Sixto Malato

    Sixto Malato is Full Professor of Research at CIEMAT, Spain. His scientific career has been based on R&D projects linked to water decontamination by advanced oxidation processes. Concretely, projects related to the development of Solar Technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater and the reuse of industrial and municipal water, as well as the photocatalytic production of hydrogen. He is co-author of >300 publications in indexed international journals and 5 patents. He has directed 18 PhD Thesis.

Articles (10 in this collection)