
Special Issue: In Honor of Prof. Jim Ritter

The purpose of this special issue of Adsorption is to recognize the scientific and pedagogical contributions to adsorption science of Prof. James A. Ritter, the AIChE Area 2E Honoree for 2023. Prof. Ritter has had a long and accomplished career as an adsorption scientist and dedicated educator at the University of South Carolina in the Department of Chemical Engineering. His research focuses on the theory, modeling, measurement, and improvement of adsorption processes for economical and socially useful chemical separations. Consequently, we request contributions to this special issue that address 1) thermodynamics and theory of adsorption processes, 2) modeling and optimization of adsorption processes, 3) diffusion in and transient aspects of adsorption, and 4) engineering applications of adsorption and chromatographic separations.

To submit a manuscript to this Special Issue, click at "Submit manuscript" in the main journal webpage. Then under the "Details" tab, select the collection name in the pull-down menu.


  • Daniel W. Siderius

    Chemical Sciences Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA Daniel Siderius is a Research Chemical Engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. His research focuses on development of flat-histogram techniques for efficient molecular simulation of adsorption and the application of metrology to molecular simulations and adsorption data through reference databases and international standards development.

  • F. Handan Tezel

    Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Prof. F. Handan Tezel has been a professor in the Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Ottawa in Canada since 1988. She was the Vice-Dean-Research and received the John V. Marsh Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Faculty of Engineering at uOttawa. Her contributions to the engineering profession were recognized by her receiving the Fellowship of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC), the Fellowship of the Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC) and the Fellowship of the International Adsorption Society (FIAS).

Articles (2 in this collection)