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Special Issue on Audiovisual Cartography

This special issue is dedicated to modern approaches of audiovisual map design. The contributions indicate the potential of modern visualization techniques for the future of multimedia cartography. The articles address several main topics of audiovisual cartography: the development of audiovisual cartography so far, modern methods of embedding sound in VR landscapes and in web and mobile mapping applications as well as the importance of user-centered cartography considering the cognitive processing of cartographically represented spatial information.

Read more in the Editorial

This collection was curated by the Editor in Chief from articles that also appear in the journal's issues. The journal’s standard peer review policy applies here. If an article was also included in a special issue of the journal, please see the instruction for authors for the special issue peer review policy.

Participating journal

KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information is a peer-reviewed platform dedicated to the analysis, visualization, and communication of spatial information.


  • Dennis Edler

    Dennis Edler

    Geomatics/Cartography Group, Geography Department, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany


Showing 1-6 of 6 articles
