
Dynamics and Mechanics of Plant Cell Walls

Walls are essential for plant cells: they provide physical support, define the shape and volume of cells and are the interphase between two neighbour cells, thus also determining cell communication and transport. Moreover, they are the first barrier against pathogen infection, playing both active and passive roles in plant defence; and their biophysical proprieties regulate plant morphogenesis. The variety of roles of plant cell walls is greatly dependent on their highly dynamic biochemical architecture and mechanical characteristics. However, studying the processes leading to this extraordinary dynamism is challenging from a technical point of view. This collection includes works which address variations in cell wall biophysics and composition from a dynamic point of view. This includes integrative reviews covering the increased interest raised by the topic recently from different perspectives (e.g., development, response to different stresses, etc.) or focussing on any of the different cutting-edge techniques developed in the past years. It also includes research addressing cell wall integrity responses and their connection with other physiological processes in the plant, or new methods with an improved spatio-temporal resolution to study cell wall mechanics and biochemical architecture.


Articles (7 in this collection)