
Advancements in Renewable Energy Development: Innovations, Policies, and Their Contributions to SDG 7

The Topical Collection aims to highlight the latest advancements in renewable energy development and their contribution to sustainable development goal (SDG) 7 - ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Renewable energy is crucial for achieving sustainable development, and SDG 7 is crucial for implementing all the other SDGs. This Topical Collection will focus on emerging technologies, and energy storage systems. Additionally, the Topical Collection will address the challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy grid, including grid stability, intermittency, and reliability. It will also discuss policies and regulations promoting the use of renewable energy sources and the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating them into the existing grid. Also, the environmental and social impacts of renewable energy development, including land use, biodiversity, and community engagement, will be addressed.


1. Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy: The Topical Collection will cover the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and bioenergy, including their potential applications, cost-effectiveness, and performance analysis.

2. Policies and Regulations: The Topical Collection will discuss various policies and regulations that have been implemented to promote the use of renewable energy sources, including renewable portfolio standards, feed-in tariffs, carbon taxes, and renewable energy certificates, and their contribution to achieving SDG 7.

3. Energy Storage Systems: The Topical Collection will explore the latest advancements in energy storage systems such as batteries, pumped hydro storage, and compressed air energy storage, including their potential applications in renewable energy systems and their contribution to SDG 7.

4. Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: The Topical Collection will highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of renewable energy sources into the existing energy grid, including grid stability, intermittency, and reliability, and their contribution to SDG 7.

5. Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts: The Topical Collection will discuss the environmental and social impacts associated with the development and deployment of renewable energy systems, including land use, biodiversity, and community engagement, and their contribution to achieving SDG 7.

By covering these topics, the Topical Collection will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in renewable energy development and their contribution to achieving SDG 7.

The Keywords are:

Sustainable development goals; Renewable energy development; Energy storage systems; Emerging energy technologies; Environmental and socioeconomic impacts


  • Jingzheng Ren

    Dr. Jingzheng Ren, Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China. He has been selected as the only winner of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE Prize), in recognition of his scientific contribution commitment to excellence in “Innovation to achieve economic, environmental, and social goals” and Bio-Circular-Green Economy. He has published more than 250 publications including more than 180 journal papers, 1 authored book by Springer, 17 edited, more than 40 book chapters, and 5 editorials.

  • Huijuan Xiao

    Dr. Huijuan Xiao, postdoctoral researcher, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China. She is broadly interested in solving some critical issues about sustainable development, including climate change, environmental footprints through international trade, the achievement of 17 sustainable development goals, sustainability assessment. Eight papers as the first author has been published in Q1 journals in the past five years. Her research scales include global and subnational scales with particular emphasis on the developing countries at the subnational level (e.g., Chinese cities and Russia’s constituent entities).

Articles (4 in this collection)