
Emerging topics in sports injury epidemiology

"Injury Epidemiology invites you to submit to our new collection on sports injury epidemiology. Sports injury epidemiology is an emerging field that seeks to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and management of injuries sustained by individuals of all physical activity levels. Research within this topic area relies on collaborative efforts by experts from different fields including, but not limited to, public health, sports medicine, public policy, and athletic training. Such partnerships have also led to novel examinations of injury incidence and prevention, particularly in settings that had been previously under-studied. We are looking for articles that either (1) highlight novel and innovative research related to theoretical approaches, methodologies, and settings, (2) include hard-to-reach, underserved, and/or under-researched populations, or (3) examine sports injuries in emerging sport settings, including extreme sports, dance and performing arts, and e-sports. We specifically encourage research that presents significant insights into one or more of the following: Understanding or predicting how policy, sociocultural, interpersonal, and behavioral factors affect the implementation and effectiveness of sports injury prevention interventions. Provision of new insights into sports injury prevention using mixed-method study designs. Explaining spatial patterns of injury incidence through quantitative analyses that make use of epidemiological datasets. Computing cost-effectiveness analyses that estimate the benefits of onsite sports medicine injury management. The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in predicting injury risk. Analyzing inequities in the implementation and effectiveness of sports injury prevention interventions. All articles that are submitted to this collection will undergo the journal’s normal peer review process and be subject to an article-processing charge. Manuscripts should be formatted according to our submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system. In the submission system please make sure that the correct collection title is chosen at the 'Additional Information' step. Please also indicate clearly in the covering letter that the manuscript is to be considered for this collection. For further advice on what funding is available to you, or for guidance in approaching funders and institutions, please visit our funding page or contact This is an open-ended collection and articles will be accepted for on-going publication. "


  • Zachary Kerr

    Dr. Zachary Yukio Kerr is an Associate Professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of North Carolina, and serves as Core Faculty with the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center. Dr. Kerr completed an undergraduate degree in Communication and Spanish at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA) in 2004, and earned two Master’s degrees at The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH) in Journalism and Communication (2006) and Epidemiology (2010). D

  • Evert Verhagen

    I am a human movement scientist and epidemiologist. I hold a University Research Chair as a full professor at the Amsterdam UMC Department of Public and Occupational Health and the Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute. I am the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine, the director of the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports (one of the 11 IOC research centres), and the director of the Amsterdam Institute of Sports Sciences (AISS). My research revolves around preventing sports and physical activity-related injuries, including monitoring, cost-effectiveness and implementation issues.

Articles (1 in this collection)