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Public Transport Optimization: From Theory to Practice

Participating journal: Operations Research Forum
Road traffic congestion and air pollution can be significantly reduced through an increased use of public transport. In addition, providing well organized transport service leads to economic and social benefits to the community. Efficiency and reliability are crucial aspects that every potential passenger takes into account when choosing to travel by their car or instead with public transport means. Advanced Operations Research methods have been extensively and effectively applied to real-life case studies and have shown their capability of improving the performance of public transport services both in planning and during operations. Despite the good achievements reached by academic research, these techniques are still only rarely used in practice. This Special Issue addresses the challenges posed by real-life applications in public transport, and the novel approaches that can effectively tackle them with a special focus on the perspective of the transport companies. On one hand, the goal is to collect new methods that are/can be applied in practice showing their usefulness and encouraging public transport companies to more deeply take advantage of OR approaches. On the other hand, giving visibility to the needs of companies and practitioners could help the academic community better understand and identify promising future research directions. We invite scientists and practitioners to contribute with innovative exact and heuristic algorithms tackling strategic, tactical or real-time problems, with results obtained on real-life applications, and with emphasis on the managerial outlook.

Participating journal

Operations Research Forum is a journal that serves the Operations Research community by addressing a broad range of topics, perspectives, methodologies, and industry applications to...


  • Valentina Cacchiani

    Since November 2019, Valentina Cacchiani is Associate Professor in Operations Research at the University of Bologna, Itlay. Her research interests concern the definition of Integer Linear Programming models and the development of exact and heuristic algorithms for NP-hard problems with particular focus on Railway Optimization. She has several collaborations with research groups in Europe, and was involved in EU projects such as PARTNER, ARRIVAL, ONTIME. She has more than 40 publications in International Journals in the field of Operations Research. She is Associate Editor of Transportation Science and Operations Research Forum.
  • Matthias Müller-Hannemann

    Matthias Müller-Hannemann is professor of computer science (since 2007) with the denomination data structures and efficient algorithms at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. His research interests focus on algorithm engineering, operations research, combinatorial optimization, efficient graph algorithms, and network science. For about 20 years, he has been researching problems and applications in public transport, especially on timetable information, delay management, robustness of transport services, and integrated optimization. He has more than 80 publications in journals and refereed conference proceedings.
  • Federico Perea Rojas-Marcos

    Federico Perea is Associate Professor since 2010 (Technical University of Valencia until 2020, University of Sevilla since 2020). His research interests concern the modelling of a variety of combinatorial optimization problems and the development of both exact and heuristic algorithms for efficiently solving them. These problems include: transportation, scheduling and game theory, among others. He has been involved in several EU projects such as MaMaEuSch or ARRIVAL. In the period 2019-2022 he has been member of the SEIO executive committee as OR Vice-President, and representative of SEIO in international federations like EURO, ALIO & IFORS.


Showing 1-8 of 8 articles
