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Honouring Professor Costas Pozrikidis

Participating journal: Journal of Engineering Mathematics
This collection celebrates the retirement of Professor Costas Pozrikidis from the Editorial Board of Journal of Engineering Mathematics. The collection includes articles contributed by many of Costas' collaborators over the course of his career. The different topics covered illustrate the wide range of his research interests and demonstrate the extraordinary breadth of subject areas where he has made significant contributions.

Participating journal

The Journal of Engineering Mathematics applies mathematics to engineering and the applied sciences, uniting fundamental problems through mathematics.


  • Dr. Mark Blyth

    Dr. Mark Blyth

    Dr Mark Blyth is a Reader in Mathematics in the School of Mathematics at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. He was an undergraduate at the University of Bristol, completed an MSc in Fluid Mechanics at the University of Manchester and a PhD at Imperial College, London, under the supervision of Prof. A. J. Mestel. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College, and at the University of California, San Diego, with Prof. Pozrikidis, before taking up a position at UEA. His research interests are primarily in fluid mechanics and include Stokes flows, interfacial flows, electrohydrodynamics, and nonlinear waves.


Showing 1-3 of 3 articles
