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The 26th International Conference Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2022)

Participating journal: Theory of Computing Systems
The series of International Conferences Developments in Language Theory provides a forum for presenting current developments in formal languages and automata. Its scope is very general and includes, among others, the following topics and areas: combinatorial and algebraic properties of words and languages; grammars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees, graphs, arrays; algebraic theories for automata and languages; codes; efficient text algorithms; symbolic dynamics; decision problems; relationships to complexity theory and logic; picture description and analysis; polyominoes and bidimensional patterns; cryptography; concurrency; cellular automata; bio-inspired computing; quantum computing. This collection of Theory of Computing Systems consists of extended journal papers originally presented at the 26th International Conference Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2022) to be hold on May 9th-13th, 2022, at Tampa, FL, USA.

Participating journal

Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS) is devoted to publishing original research from all areas of theoretical computer science, ranging from foundational areas such as computational...


  • Volker Diekert

    Since 1991, Prof. Volker Diekert holds the chair for Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart. During his career he was a visiting professor in Australia, France, Japan, and USA. He published more than 130 refereed journal and conference papers. He is a member in the editorial boards of the “International Journal of Algebra and Computation” and “RAIRO”. He was editor of the journal “Theory of Computing Systems” and the “International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science”. Since 2013 he has been the German representative for the Technical Committee (TC 1) in the “International Federation for Information Processing”
  • Mikhail Volkov

    Mikhail V. Volkov has published around 150 refereed journal and proceedings papers and several influential surveys and textbooks in algebra, automata, combinatorics on words and formal languages. Prof. Volkov is the Managing Editor of "Semigroup Forum" and serves in the editorial boards of the "International Journal of Algebra and Computation" and the "Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics". In 2017 Prof. Volkov was elected as a foreign member to the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters; in 2019-2021 he was appointed as Mercator Professor at the University of Trier by the German Research Foundation.


Showing 1-11 of 11 articles
