
Parenting Role in Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has become a major public health issue and it is raising concerns for the wellbeing of future generations. Although some children are at greater risk for obesity due to genetic factors, the family environment plays a primary role in the development and control of children’s eating behaviors. Parents are responsible for the setup of a healthy home environment, promoting healthy eating and physical activity. Given the strong influence of the parental role on children’s behavior, health programs and policies to improve the awareness of parents about their children’s health, children’s eating behaviors and their own feeding practices, are important for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Children tend to mimic their parents’ habits including their diet and physical activity. To guarantee a better future for the next generations, parents need to engage in healthy behaviors, providing for the children an environment with plenty of healthy food options and discouraging sedentary behaviors. BMC Public Health has launched this collection calling for research on the role of parents in childhood obesity. We would particularly welcome submissions addressing: Parental attitudes in the development of children’s eating behaviors, Parents’ roles in preventing and treating childhood obesity, Family-based interventions for childhood obesity prevention, Programs to raise parents’ awareness on healthy food options and behaviors

Articles (5 in this collection)