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Special Issue: Emerging Pathogens, Food Security and One Health

Participating journal: Microbial Ecology
Global change has resulted in a significant reduction of biodiversity on all trophic levels in our environment, often allowing for an invasion of new species, which change ecosystem properties. Changes in ecosystem properties influence ecosystem services, and in many cases human health or wellbeing is highly impacted. This strong interconnection between environmental properties and human health has promoted the so called “One Health” or “Global Health” concept. In plants, animals and humans, dysbiotic conditions create health problems including the emergence of new diseases. Well studied examples are now emerging of new pathogens or the continuous increase of antibiotic resistance in many microbes. Beyond infectious diseases, allergies are strongly influenced by environmental microbiomes as our immune system requires a high contact with diverse microbiota mainly during early life for stimulation. This makes it evident that the interaction patterns of environmental- and human microbiomes are essential for human health and understanding microbial ecology and ecological principles of these interactions beyond pure analysis of co-occurrence plays a crucial role for developing targeted mitigation strategies or therapies in the future. Thus One Health approaches that include collaborations across various disciplines and within and across various nations are needed more than ever to achieve the best health outcomes possible. This Special Issue in Microbial Ecology is dedicated to the interactions of humans, animals and plants, their microbial ecology and how they interact in their shared environments to enable One Health. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: The Microbial Ecology of land use Antimicrobial resistance mitigation Climate and ecosystem health Disease surveillance The health of our Environment Food Safety and Security Plant / Soil health Water Safety and Security Environmental contamination

Participating journal

Microbial Ecology is a comprehensive open-access forum dedicated to presenting high-quality scientific investigations of how microorganisms interact with their environment, each other,...


  • Michael Schloter

    Michael Schloter

    Michael Schloter is Director of the Institute for Comparative Microbiome Analysis at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Health in Munich and Professor for Microbiology at the Technical University of Munich. His main interest are microbe – microbe interactions focusing on various host systems and to understand major functional traits provided my microbiomes for the host`s health. His vision is to develop targeted approaches to modulate microbe - microbe interaction with the aim to optimize the performance of hosts. Michael Schloter has published more than 400 papers in peer reviewed journals and has been acknowledged as “highly cited” by W

