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Special Issue: Richard A. Posner

Participating journal: European Journal of Law and Economics
Richard A. Posner plays a totemic role within law and economics, and not only. His scholarship is so wide to the point that it is quite impossible to face any topic without finding a seminal contribution by him. This Special Issue is devoted to Posner’s scientific and academic work.

Participating journal

European Journal of Law and Economics is a platform for theoretical and empirical research where legal and economic dimensions intersect.


  • Alain Marciano

    Alain Marciano is currently professor of Economics at the University of Montpellier, and scientific director of Montpellier Research in Economics. An economic historian, he is especially interested in law and economics. Email:
  • Giovanni Battista Ramello

    Giovanni Battista Ramello is a professor of Industrial Economics at the University of Eastern Piedmont. His research activities and interests include industrial organization, antitrust and regulation, and law and economics. Email:


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