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Hydrogeoethics for Water Resources Management: Groundwater - Geoethics - Sustainable Society Nexus

The articles within this Collection delve into hydrological systems grappling with the challenges posed by climate variability and environmental and societal pressures. They highlight the pressing need for principles and values that promote lasting environmental sustainability, socio-responsibility, and eco-responsibility. Embracing a geoethical approach to existence is utmost in addressing these challenges effectively. Furthermore, the Collection offers comprehensive analyses based on extensive research that aligns with various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and interlinkages targets outlined in the UN's “2030 Agenda” and beyond. The Collection comprises 15 studies focusing on geoethics and sustainable water resources management, showcasing research from model regions across the globe. These regions include South America (Brazil), Africa (Morocco, South Africa), Europe (Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom), Asia (Afghanistan) and the Middle East (Iran). The articles highlight critical studies and practical applications addressing groundwater issues within these model regions. They offer a comprehensive and insightful look at topical studies and reflections on hydrogeoethics, geoenvironment, and sustainable water resources management.

Participating journal

Sustainable Water Resources Management publishes articles that deal with the interface of water resources science and the needs of human populations, highlighting work that addresses...


  • Manuel Abrunhosa

    Manuel Abrunhosa is a skilled geologist expert with over 44 years of experience in hydrogeology, groundwater engineering, engineering geology, forensic geology, and geoarchaeology. He was a former teacher and researcher in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, where he taught for more than 24 years. He has been an independent Consultant Geologist. Currently, he is Vice-President for West and Central Europe of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and President of the AIH-GP Portuguese Chapter. As an active member of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics.
  • António Chambel

    António Chambel is a skilled Geologist and Professor of hydrogeology and water resources at the University of Évora, with over 39 years of experience in multidisciplinary groundwater research, consultancy, and practice. His research interests are hydrogeological mapping, environmental hydrogeology, water resources management, groundwater modeling, urban groundwater, groundwater engineering, and applied geology, among others. He has been President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), the South Chapter of the Portuguese Water Resources Association (APRH) and the Portuguese Chapter of the IAH.
  • Silvia Peppoloni

    Silvia Peppoloni is a skilled PhD Geologist and Researcher at the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INVG) in Rome, Italy, with over 25 years of experience in multidisciplinary applied geosciences research, consultancy, and practice. Her professional activity covers the fields of engineering geology, geomorphology, and geohazards. In addition, she is fully involved in the base research on geoethics, focusing on ethical, social, and cultural issues related to geosciences and promoting sustainability, prevention, and geo-education as key concepts of the relationship between geoscientists and society.
  • Patrícia Ferraz de Matos

    Patrícia Ferraz de Matos is an anthropologist and Research Fellow at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS), with over 27 years of experience in interdisciplinary research in social sciences, sociology, and anthropology. She has been a member of the teaching staff of the Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Lisboa since 2013, where she coordinated the Postgraduate Seminar in Anthropology and co-coordinated the curricular unit Research Seminar in Anthropology. She also is an Associate Editor of the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, a Convener of the Europeanist Network of EASA.
  • Alexandra Aragão

    Alexandra Aragão has a Ph.D. in Legal and Political Sciences focusing on Environmental Law. She is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, where she teaches environmental law, eco-literacy, risk governance, food safety law, and forest law. She is vice-editor of the Planning Law, Urban Law, and Environmental Law Journal. She is a member of the European Natura 2000 observatory, the European Water observatory, the Advisory Board of the European Environmental Law Forum, the IPBES committee on conflicts of interest, among others.
  • Marco Petitta

    Marco Petitta is a skilled hydrogeologist and Full Professor of Hydrogeology at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, where teaching Hydrogeology, Groundwater Hydrodynamics, and Applied Hydrogeology. His research focuses on groundwater management, human influences on groundwater quantity and quality, remediation of polluted sites, isotope techniques for groundwater studies, the role of groundwater in environmental and ecological studies, and groundwater-seismicity relationships.
  • Helder I. Chaminé

    Helder Chaminé is a multidisciplinary geoscience expert with over 33 years of experience and a Professor of Engineering Geosciences at the School of Engineering (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto. His expertise comprises GIS mapping techniques for structural geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology and geohazards, engineering geosciences and hydrogeomechanics, mining and subterranean geology, exploration hard-rock hydrogeology, water resources, and thermal waters management and planning. He has interests in mining geoheritage, history of cartography, military geosciences, higher-education dissemination, skills, and core values.


Showing 1-16 of 16 articles
