
Assistive Technology and Brain Machine Interface

In the last twenty years Robotics and Neuroengineering have been continuously finding intersections, sharing insights and complementing each other in proposing viable solutions to neuromotor recovery and clinical practice. An increasing number of studies highlights the potential applications of these two disciplines and their synergistic action in providing new kind of technologies able to work in a more symbiotic way with the patients, and consequently promoting the acceptance of new approaches and derived instruments from both the scientific community and the final users. Thus the advancements in Brain Machine Interface in motor intention decoding, newly proposed control strategies and actuation in Robotics, novel generations of intelligent prosthetic devices, have been significantly contributing to shift the paradigm amongst researches, leading them toward a wider spectrum of innovative approaches and scientific frontiers. This collection of articles in Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation aims to present the most recent advances in Assistive Technology and Brain Machine Interface, addressing topics such as theoretical, methodological, and practical approaches to be considered when designing new instruments or formalizing new techniques of investigations. Submissions of both experimental and review studies is encouraged in the following 4 topics: prosthetic, rehabilitation robotics, neuroscience or brain machine interface’.


Articles (8 in this collection)