
Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy

The Journal of Evolutionary Economics invites the participants of the Schumpeter Conference 2024 "Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy" in Gothenburg, Sweden to submit their presented papers.

We also encourage younger scholars who presented a poster at the conference to submit the underlying paper!

The selected articles will be published in a regular issue of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics (JEEC). They will additionally be included in this (virtual) collection, also titled "Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy".


The collection focuses our attention on change, a classical aspect of Schumpeter’s analysis of the economy and society. Creative accumulation and creative destruction refer to different organizational ways of creating transformation, either through large organizations or entrepreneurial ventures.

Submitted papers can address a broad range of topics. Transformation, related notions of novelty, emerging challenges, and socio-economic change can be analyzed with different research designs, from special perspectives, and reflecting various theoretical traditions. For example, we welcome papers that analyze industrial sectors, market systems, public policies, technologies, socio-economic contexts, history, and geographical spatiality, amongst others. Due to Schumpeter’s interest in the individuals and the organizations active in creative accumulation and creative destruction, papers are also welcome on the micro-level of actors and agents engaged in activities like innovation, entrepreneurship, financing, R&D, and creating ecosystems.

Deadline, submission and review process

Submission deadline: 30 September 2024

Submissions are only permitted for conference participants of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society 2024, University of Gothenburg, June 9-11, 2024.

Please submit your finalized papers on the JEEC website. There you find reference to this call. Upload your submission to the Collection on "Transformation: Creative Accumulation and Creative Destruction in the Economy".

Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Journal of Evolutionary Economics. All manuscripts must be original, unpublished works that are not concurrently under review for publication elsewhere. All papers will be subjected to the standard JEEC review process. Enquiries about this call for papers can be directly posted to the guest editors.

We will not wait with the review process until all papers for the collection are submitted. Rather, to speed up the process, will we start processing the submissions as they come in.

Submit numerously!

Have a great summer & best wishes,

Maureen McKelvey and Bernd Ebersberger



Articles will be displayed here once they are published.