
Attacks on healthcare

Attacks against healthcare in armed conflict, including violence, access constraints, and insecurity, represent a major threat to health. Gathering evidence about the attacks themselves has and continues to be crucial in raising awareness of this issue. This article collection will bring together research articles, reviews, short reports and case studies, that provide insight into the impact of attacks on healthcare.


  • Karl Blanchet

    Karl Blanchet is the Director of the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies and Professor in Humanitarian Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva. He worked in health systems research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine since 2010 and was the co-founder and co-Director of the Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre. His research focuses on system resilience and health systems issues in global health, specifically in post-conflict and conflict-affected countries.

  • Richard Sullivan

    Professor Richard Sullivan's research group studies health systems, particular NCD policy and the impact of conflict on health. He is Professor of Cancer and Global Health at King’s College London, and Director of the Institute of Cancer Policy (ICP) and co-Director of the Conflict and Health Research Group. He is an NCD advisor to the WHO, civil-military advisor to Save the Children, and a member of the National Cancer Grid of India His research focuses on global cancer policy and planning, and health systems strengthening, particularly conflict ecosystems.

Articles (21 in this collection)