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Special Issue on "Digital transformation and service"

Participating journal: Electronic Markets
A collection on digital transformation and service: Technological developments such as Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence continue to drive the digital transformation of business and society. With the advent of platform-based ecosystems and their potential to address complex challenges, there is a trend towards greater interconnectedness between different stakeholders to co-create services based on the provision and use of data. While previous research on digital transformation mainly focused on digital transformation within organizations, it is of growing importance to understand the implications for digital transformation on different layers (e.g., interorganizational cooperation and platform ecosystems). In particular, the conceptualization and implications of public data spaces and related ecosystems provide promising research opportunities. This collection contains five papers on the topic of digital transformation and, with the editorial, further contributes by providing an initial conceptualization of public data spaces' potential to foster innovative progress and digital transformation from a management perspective.

Participating journal

Electronic Markets focuses on social, economic, and technological aspects of digital platforms and electronic business.


  • Daniel Beverungen

    Paderborn University, Germany
  • Thomas Hess

    LMU, Munich, Germany
  • Antonia Köster

    Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Berlin, Germany & University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
  • Christiane Lehrer

    Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark


Showing 1-6 of 6 articles
