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Special Issue: Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion

Participating journal: Journal of Bioethical Inquiry

Participating journal

The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (JBI) is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly papers and commentary across the range of issues that...


  • M.J. Selgelid

  • McLean, N. Arinaminpathy

  • J. Savulescu


Showing 1-16 of 16 articles
  1. Response

    • Adrienne Torda
    OriginalPaper 16 May 2009 Pages: 257 - 258
  2. In that Case

    • Dan Brock
    OriginalPaper 29 April 2009 Pages: 259 - 260
