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AI-empowered Resource Provision and Service Scheduling in Multi-Clouds

Participating journal: Journal of Cloud Computing
This special issue aims to attract and disseminate high-quality research results and practical solutions from both academia and industry to advance the AI-empowered multi-clouds for IoT.

Participating journal

Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications is a peer-reviewed open access journal that focuses on all aspects of Cloud Computing.


  • Ying Chen

    Ying Chen is currently an Associate Professor with Computer School, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing. She received the PhD degree in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2017. She was a joint PhD student in University of Waterloo from 2015 to 2016. She is the recipient of the Best Paper Award at IEEE SmartIoT 2019, Best paper Candidate Award at IEEE ICWS 2014, 2016 Google Ph. D Fellowship Award and 2014 Google Anita Borg (Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program) Award, respectively. She serves the Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of IEEE SmartIoT, IEEE HPCC, IEEE Cloud...
  • Shangguang Wang

    Shangguang Wang is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He received his Ph.D. degree at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2011. He has published more than 150 papers in journals such as IEEE JASC, TMC, TSC, and TCC, and conferences such as IJCAI, INFOCOM, AAAI and ICWS. His research interests include service computing, mobile edge computing, cloud computing, and Satellite Computing. He is currently serving as Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing (2022-2013), and Vice-Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing .
  • Geyong Min

    Geyong Min is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science within the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He received the PhD degree in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, in 2003. His research interests include Future Internet, Computer Networks, Wireless Communications, Information Security, Modelling and Performance Engineering. He severs/served
  • Qiang Ye

    Qiang Ye ( received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 2016. Since September 2021, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, NL, Canada. Before joining the Memorial University, he had been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Technology, Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA, as an Assistant Professor from September ...
  • Phu Thinh Do

    Phu Thinh Do received the Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electronics and Radio Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea, in 2016. From 2016 to 2019, he was first a postdoctoral fellow at the Digital Communication Lab, Kyung Hee University, then at Broadband Communications Research Lab, University of Waterloo, Canada. He is now an assistant professor at the Post and Telecommunication Institute of Technology - Ho Chi Minh City Campus, Vietnam. His current research interests include intelligence networks, and retail science. He served ...


Showing 1-28 of 28 articles
