
Microbial resources for bioremediation and reclamation of degraded environments

This collection invites submissions on the biotechnological approaches that exploit the metabolic diversity of microorganisms to degrade the contaminants, or to increase soil fertility could be of particular interest.The key areas of consideration for the collection will include: - Development of innovative approaches for the removal of contaminants - Characterization of microbial communities involved in the degradation of contaminants - Development of strategies for the reclamation of environments impacted by human activities - Characterization of novel microorganisms potentially suitable for the bioremediation and for the reclamation - Description of new microbial approaches for the reclamation of marginal lands Read further about the collection here


  • Dr. Matteo Daghio

    Matteo Daghio obtained his Pd.D. in 2015 from the Unversity of Milano-Bicocca (IT) and is currently a research fellow at the University of Florence. His research focusses on different aspects of environmental microbiology, from the bioremediation to the study of rumen microbial communities.

  • Dr. Alessandra Adessi

    Alessandra Adessi obtained her Ph.D. in Microbial Agricultural Biotechnology in 2012 and is currently a Senior Researcher at the University of Florence. Her research focusses on different aspects of environmental and applied microbiology, especially based on phototrophic microorganisms, from soil to water environments.

Articles (4 in this collection)