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Special Issue: Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Sustainability and Beyond

Participating journal: Annals of Operations Research

This special issue aims to publish selected papers presented during the 15th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP'23: that will be held on 02–04 October 2023, in İzmir, Türkiye. Contributions arising from papers presented at the conference should be substantially extended and cite the conference paper where appropriate. The special issue will also consider papers not presented during the conference.

The topics include all areas of Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP) applied to sustainability and its economic, ecological, and social dimensions. Inherited to multi-criteria nature of the sustainability problems, the contribution of MOPGP studies is vital. MOPGP literature naturally embraces sustainability since they have already considered value/impact maximization, cost/risk minimization, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. To this extent, this special issue will cover theories and application of MOPGP focusing on, but not limited to United Nations sustainability goals:

• GOAL 1: No Poverty

• GOAL 2: Zero Hunger

• GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

• GOAL 4: Quality Education

• GOAL 5: Gender Equality

• GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

• GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

• GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

• GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

• GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

• GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

• GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

• GOAL 13: Climate Action

• GOAL 14: Life Below Water

• GOAL 15: Life on Land

• GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

• GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Call for Papers Flyer: Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Sustainability and Beyond

Participating journal

Submit your manuscript to this collection through the participating journal.


  • Ayhan Özgür Toy

    Yaşar University, Türkiye
  • Levent Kand¡ller

    Yaşar University, Türkiye
  • Hatem Masri

    University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain


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