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Health systems under stress: health service responses, human resource adaptation, and technological innovation resulting from the covid-19 pandemic

This call for papers is jointly organized by the International Journal for Equity in Health and Health Systems Global, the organizer of the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Accepted papers will be published as part of a special issue for the journal on the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, which took place between October 31 and November 4, 2022 in Bogota, Colombia. This special issue will focus on the symposium’s overarching theme “Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges”, specifically about health systems under stress: health service responses, human resource adaptation and technological innovation resulting from the covid-19 pandemic.

Participating journal

At a time when health inequalities across the world are widespread and often increasing, International Journal for Equity in Health provides a highly visible forum where strong...


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