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David Young's 80th Birthday Special Issue

The collection celebrates David Young's 80th birthday by articles in his areas of specialties. These include: 1. Oxidation (O2, H2O and other mixed gases) 2. Internal oxidation 3. Metal dusting 4. CO2 corrosion and carburization 5. Coatings 6. Melt corrosion (liquid metal, hot corrosion etc.)

Participating journal

High Temperature Corrosion of Materials is a journal centered on the science of gas-solid reactions at high temperatures.


  • Jianqiang Zhang

    Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at University of New South Wales doing research focused on complex gas-solid reactions at high temperatures in application to steel/alloy high temperature corrosion and metallurgical technologies.


Showing 1-18 of 18 articles
