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Complexity of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Facing Technological Innovations

Participating journal: Complex & Intelligent Systems

New technology is transforming daily business processes for many in supply chain management. The need for real-time tracking and accurate delivery systems makes supply chain management ripe for technological innovation. Technological innovations such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) are leading the way throughout the logistics and supply chain management (LSCM). Significant challenges are emerging within organizations and among different entities. For instance, applications of robots or autonomous vehicles in logistics operation process are greatly powered by AI, computer vision and machine learning, which can support to enhance the operational efficiency, meet the on-demand orders and minimize logistics costs, while dynamics, uncertainties as well as difficulties in logistics management will also increase. Explorations with blockchain, IoT and social media in practice call for innovative LSCM models to help reshape supply chain structures and coordinate relationships among different organizations.

Therefore, this special issue aims to collect scientific research particularly based on various optimization models and algorithms or by data-driven quantitative analysis to expand the existing literature and provide better understandings to academics and practitioners in the area of complex LSCM with technological innovations.

Participating journal

Complex & Intelligent Systems is an open access journal that focuses on the cross-fertilization of complex systems, computational simulation, and intelligent analytics and...


  • Dr. Daqing Gong

    Dr. Daqing Gong Beijing Jiaotong University, China Email: or
  • Prof. Wai Chi Fang

    Prof. Wai Chi Fang National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan E-mail:
  • Prof. Jinan Fiaidhi

    Prof. Jinan FLakehead University, Canada E-mail: jfiaidhi@lakeheadu.caiaidhi
  • Prof. Sabah Mohammed

    Prof. Sabah Mohammed Lakehead University, Canada E-mail:
  • Prof. Carlos Ramos

    Prof. Carlos Ramos ISEP, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal E-mail:


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