
Maths for the Digital Factory

Industry 4.0, the 4th industrial revolution, smart manufacturing, digital factories, etc. are some of the phrases being used today to describe a series of game-changing innovations that are changing the way products are manufactured for ever. Industrial mathematics is at the heart of these innovations. This collection highlights various contributions of mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization (MSO) to digital manufacturing.


  • "Dietmar Hömberg, Joachim Linn, James Gleeson "

    "Dietmar Hömberg: Full Professor at TU Berlin; Head of RG Nonlinear Optimization and Inverse Problems at WIAS, Germany and adjunct Professor at NTNU Trondheim, Norway, Joachim Linn: Head of Department Mathematics for the Digital Factory, in the division ""Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering"", Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany, James Gleeson: Chair in Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the University of Limerick, Ireland"

Articles (1 in this collection)