
Selected papers from AAPPS-DPP2021 Basic and Applied Plasma sessions

We are pleased to announce a special issue planned for Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics on “Selected papers from AAPPS-DPP2021 Basic and Applied Plasma sessions”, with Profs. Gunsu Yun, Sudeep Bhattacharjee, J J Shi, and Rajdeep Singh Rawat as guest editors. This special issue aims to provide excellent reviews related to basic and applied plasma research trends. The AAPPS-DPP 2021 drew high-quality presentations from diverse basic research on magnetized, dusty, and atmospheric pressure plasmas. The topics in the special issue will include solitary waves, turbulence physics, similarity laws, and coherent structure formation, which have been central subjects in plasma physics for decades. The conference also drew several excellent presentations in applied plasma research. This special issue will have review papers covering three broad areas of applied plasmas: scientific and technological impact of dusty plasma, barrier deposition coating using plasmas, and synthesis and processing of high-performance electrode materials for energy storage and conversion devices using low-temperature plasmas.


  • Y. Gunsu

    Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

  • Y. Feng

    Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • R.S. Rawat

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • S. Bhattacharjee

    Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur, India

  • JJ Shi

    Donghua University in Shanghai, China

Articles (5 in this collection)