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IDDRC 2021

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders is pleased to present this fourth IDDRC special thematic series focused on the interventions in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders. For more information, please read the editorial by the Series Editors Len Abbeduto and Mustafa Sahin. This collection of articles is sponsored by the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers (IDDRCs) and articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Series Editors declare no competing interests.

Participating journal

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders provides a unique venue for interdisciplinary research across the full range of neurodevelopmental disorders.


  • Leonard Abbeduto, PhD

    Leonard Abbeduto, PhD, is the Director of the MIND Institute, the Tsakopoulos-Vismara Endowed Chair, UC Davis Distinguished Professor and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, Davis.
  • Mustafa Sahin MD, PhD

    Dr. Sahin is a Professor at Harvard Medical school and the Rosamund Stone Zander Chair at Boston Children’s Hospital.


Showing 1-14 of 14 articles
