
Cancer control in low- and middle-income countries

BMC Cancer is calling for submissions to our collection on gaps and measures in place to improve cancer control in LMIC.


  • Cristina Stefan: Institute of Global Health Equity Research, Rwanda

    Cristina Stefan is a Professor of Global Health and Medicine and Director of the Institute of Global Health Equity Research (Weiss Chair of Research) at The University of Global Health Equity in Rwanda, providing leadership and developing the young generation of global health and oncology scientists. She was voted the most influential African woman in business and government in 2016 and among the top 100 Women Leaders in Healthcare in Asia in 2020. In 2022, she received the most prestigious IARC (International Agency for Research in Cancer) award for women in cancer research.

  • Shenglan Tang: Duke University, United States

    Dr. Shenglan Tang, MD, Ph.D., is a Mary & James Semans Professor of Medicine and Global Health at the Department of Population Health Science of Duke Medical School. Tang has more than 30 years of experience undertaking research on health systems reform, disease control, and maternal and child health in China and other countries and has provided consultancy services on health systems strengthening to many international organizations and governments of developing countries. In 2012, Prof. Tang joined Duke from the WHO’s Tropical Diseases (TDR), based in Geneva, where he was Unit Leader for TB/HIV and Health Systems.

Articles (30 in this collection)