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Special Issue: The Disconnectome

Participating journal: Brain Structure and Function

We announce a forthcoming Special Issue of Brain Structure and Function, entitled “The Disconnectome”, edited by Aaron Boes, Hanna Damasio, Antonio Damasio and Michel Thiebaut de Schotten for which original papers, reviews and technical reports are open for submission.

Brain function relies on the structural integrity of brain networks. Neuroimaging in healthy individuals has taken a prodigious leap in identifying and quantifying the connections that underlie brain networks. However, the link between brain connections and function is hard to make from imaging studies of healthy individuals because it is correlative and often relies on limited variance in behaviour. Brain lesions, on the other hand, provide a true gold standard for inferring causal relationships amongst brain structure and function. Lesion studies have recently benefitted from new methods assessing disconnections. For instance, direct and indirect approaches can now assess the disruption of the brain network caused by a lesion either through axonal disconnection (i.e. structural connectivity) or brain region desynchronization (i.e. functional connectivity), and the disrupted connectivity can be linked to the behavioural manifestations of the lesion. In the present special issue entitled "The Disconnectome", we wish to provide a forum that capitalizes on these recent technological advancements to reflect on the nature of the relationship between brain connections and function.

Articles should be submitted via the journal's submissions system.

Your cover letter should include the name of the Special Issue, as per our Submission Guidelines, indicating that your article is a contribution to The Disconnectome in the relevant submission questions.

If you plan to submit an article please let us know by emailing us ( &

Participating journal

Brain Structure & Function offers free color in print and online for all its papers! Brain Structure & Function publishes research that provides insight into brain structure−function...


  • Aaron Boes

    Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa
  • Hanna Damasio

    University of Southern California
  • Antonio Damasio

    University of Southern California
  • Michel Thiebaut de Schotten

    University of Bordeaux


Showing 1-23 of 23 articles
