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Special Issue: Changes in Extreme Weather, Climate & Environment in a Warmer World

The International Organizing Committee of the Asian Conference (ACM) is the continuation of the Korean Meteorological Society (KMS) – Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ) - Chinese Meteorological Society (CMS)'s joint meeting that has been biennially held during 2005 – 2015. KMS will host the ACM in Busan, Korea in the period of October 23-24, 2017 (ACM 2017). The topics under the theme of “ACM 2017” are Changes in Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environment in a warmer world: Observation and Prediction”. ACM has a plan to publish selected papers which will be presented in ACM 2017. This special issue is expected to advance in our understanding on the main topics in ACM 2017, i.e., Climate system interactions, Improving Observation and Prediction of weather and climate extremes and regional air pollution and environmental changes. Therefore we invite authors to submit original articles that aim to study the interactions of atmosphere-ocean-land-cryosphere, and extreme events including the issues of regional air pollution.

Participating journal

Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences is an international journal dedicated to publishing original research across all fields of atmospheric science.


  • Sang-Wook Yeh

    Hanyang University, KOREA
  • Masahiro Watanabe

    The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
  • Jianqu Sun

    Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA


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