
Special Issue: Cognitive, cultural and evolutionary influences in number processing

Aim and scope

Studies on numerical processing have flourished in the last two decades, both in terms of metrics as well as in terms of different approaches used to study numerical abilities. This special issue aims to collect the latest developments in the field of numerical cognition and to provide a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon by including a variety of contributions from different disciplines and approaches. In particular, we welcome contributions that shed light on cognitive influences (e.g., attention, perception, memory), developmental and cultural factors, and biological and evolutionary foundations that play a role in number processing.

Potential topics for submissions include but are not limited to:

-Approximate Number System (ANS)

-Symbolic and non-symbolic numerical processing

-Spatial-Numerical Associations (SNA)

-Distance and size effect

-Linguistic Markedness

-Embodiment and grounding in numerical cognition

-Mental number line

-Numerosity adaptation

-Random number generation

We welcome empirical contributions, review articles, and opinion papers.

We encourage authors to submit empirically grounded paper that aims at some bigger picture. Therefore, broader theoretical speculation over empirical data is encouraged, as well as clear efforts to integrate the empirical findings with broader discussions that comprise evidence from different approaches and disciplines. Strictly theoretical papers would be acceptable inasmuch as they present a really novel insight.

We will accept a maximum of one paper as first author per person and up to three papers in total per person (taking into account co-authorships).

For information about the special issue and a preliminary inquiry about the suitability of a contribution for the special issue, please contact the coordinating editor (Dr. Valter Prpic

Guest editors

Dr. Valter Prpic (Coordinating Editor)

Dr. Luisa Lugli

Dr. Mauro Murgia

Dr. Krzysztof Cipora


Articles (6 in this collection)